Yardsticks for Personal Handicap Events
On the 4th Sunday of each month in 2025 we will run a Personal Handicap event. Each entrant will have a handicap tailored specifically to them, and not just their class of dinghy. The aim is to level the playing field and have a competitive race, irrespective of experience, age or quality of equipment. Come and join us - using these yardsticks you might just get in the mix!
To give you a tailored yardstick I either need you to have raced once or twice before, or come and talk to me and we can negotiate! We have a lot of boats in the dinghy park which rarely go afloat. It would be great to get those on the water and if a tailored handicap helps make those boats competitive then I'm all for having a chat.
Sailing Sec, 14 Jan 25
Last updated 7:24pm on 26 January 2025